Thursday, August 23, 2007

we are standing by a wishing-well

so i'm sitting here drinking rasberry tea and eating a butterfinger thinking to myself,
i wish the world today could be just as it was in the 1700-1800's.
Why has it changed so much?
what IS this whole "futuristic" thing anyway?
i don't quite understand it,
and i don't really fancy it.
if i could live in this world today and not have to deal with the whole, seeing all these fancy, super extraordinary, electronics things all time, and the way life is just viewed today...
and the way we dress.. ohh good gracious!, the way we dress!
then i would!
in a second i would.
i want to live like they lived like in the movie gone with the wind, or pride & prejudice.
i thurst to feel love as they felt.
i long to find it like they found it.
NO! actually... i do love as they loved in those films.
I just have never known any guy to ever love as the men in those films love.
it seems that today, love is, not romance.
It seems that today, romance in words is a laugh or something made up like a fairy-tale. Though love in words rather then in money and places to go and see, is the greatest love, i could ever find.
and when i do,
i will be in love.

i am such a sucker for tear jerkers.
every time i watch the movie pride & prejudice, god's hoenst truth without the slightest little exaggeration, I BALLLLL! LOUDLY AND SHED SOOO MANY TEARS!! it's remarkably insane!
i cry because it is soo romantic.
and i cry because i want that, and know that it could happen, though i have dreadful thoughts that it wont with me.
i am infatuated with the thought.

......for now i'll play pretend and live as close to that freeness as possible near the country, in georgia. a.s.a.p.

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