You never know.
you may see Victoria Cupcakes somewhere walking the sidewalks or skipping across streets or dancing around in subway trains or maybe even at the party you are at on that night! How to spot Victoria Cupcakes:
look for:
A Kill Shop Kill outfit
she may have large curly hair:
She may be stoned saying that everything is wonderful and an adventure.
She may be seen in the L.E.S or Williamsburg BK.
she may be sitting at the bar with a whiskey in her hand.
she may smile at you because she thinks you are cute or pretty or thinks you just really need to have a girl smile at you...
she may be eating a cupcake in some random place
she may have scrapes and bruises on her knees from partying hard the night before
she may be seen with the coker twins:

If you see her
don't hesitate
buy her a cupcake!

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