Friday, August 24, 2007


I wish to meet Juan Mann and give him the softest warmest longest hug anyone has ever given him!
he is just that inspiring.

i am a hugger myself. i don't know you? okay yea i'll shake your hand since you went through "all the trouble" to reach out with your right hand just to shake my own with a nice firm grip, tough i'm still going to pull you in with that hand and pull you close to me and hug you with my nice "firm" grip.

Do you know about the World Peace movement called "Free Hugs"? It is the story of a man, Juan Mann an Australlian who wished to reach out to people with free hugs, even if it was just one. At one point, the Free Hugs Campaign was banned, but Petitioning around the world, the movement was reinstated. People around the world have joined the movement to reach out to people. Juan Mann has been on shows such as Oprah. The video that inspired it all is at the bottom of this blog. The music is by the Band "Sick Puppies", a band that Juan Mann had met a year before the first Free Hugs campaign started, they made the inspiring video their MTV video. That video has won the video awards for '06 as "most inspiring". Be sure to visit their website

This is the memo from the webiste:

" Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person"

An American television audience of millions also watched him at work, when the video was broadcast on the prime-time breakfast program Good Morning America yesterday.

Today, the hugger was at it again, brandishing his "free hugs" sign in the busy pedestrian thoroughfare, and having quite a few people take him up on his offer.

"It's a way to make people smile," Mann said.

"For every person who gets a hug, you see five walk past with a smile on their face."

Juan Mann (pronounced one man) is a play on words, but the hugger insisted his rules included no names, no phone numbers, no relationships and no dates.

The hit video came about after a meeting - and a hug - more than a year ago with the lead singer of the Sick Puppies, a Sydney band made up of three former Mosman High School students.

The singer, Shimon Moore, was working odd jobs by day and playing gigs by night.

"I was one of those guys in Pitt Street Mall with a sandwich board advertising a shoe sale," Moore told today.

The two became mates, and Moore borrowed his father's video camera to shoot footage of the hug man at work.

But his efforts to spread the love became a little too popular for some people's liking, according to a blurb on the YouTube video, which said: "As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED."

Undeterred, Mann collected more than 10,000 signatures on a petition he presented to the City of Sydney council. Demands for a halt to the hugs petered out shortly after, and the end of the clip shows Mann hugging an official.

Speaking by phone from Los Angeles, where the Sick Puppies moved a year ago, the lead singer said he mixed the video with their song All The Same as a gift for his friend, to lift his spirits after his grandmother died.

It had the desired effect. Four days ago, the band posted the clip on YouTube. By 3pm today, it had close to 700,000 hits and almost 6000 comments, most of them gushing.

Like this one: "Made me cry. I love you all!"

The musician said the video had taken Mann's mission worldwide.

"He's achieved what he set out to do and I was lucky enough to be there to film it," Moore said.

There are even plans for a mass free hug-fest at midday on Monday, which could come in handy if the Sydney Swans don't win the premiership.

City worker Elly Mitchell, who handed out a few free hugs on her lunch break today, said she was inspired to organise the event after seeing the video online.

"We're going to hug the city," Ms Mitchell said.

A City of Sydney spokesman Josh MacKenzie said he could find no record of rangers asking Mann to move on.

"In fact, the feeling around the office is one of support for his campaign to spread a bit of happiness and love in the CBD," the spokesman said.

Asked if he had accepted a free hug, the council spokesman said he hadn't.

"But I'm sure council staff would welcome the opportunity to have a hug," he said.

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