Thursday, August 23, 2007

a day and night to remember

early morning
wake on up
to thoughts that you will be near soon
together all day
having fun be dumb as time flys by too soon
enter the brights
of these streets
they are dim
just as your heart
it seems to fade
when i'm not with you
so dance with me
in these lights
holding hands
feel the night
it takes you where you, where you wish to go
for a moment where you wish to go
hold my hand and pull so close
that the beats of our pulses
can fall in love
come on in
enter my world
come on in
dont run a stray where the sunshine is always lost
i have sun here, and we will also love our nights
we can catch fireflies
no, better, we can be them
and fly with the wind
we can make children play and smile
lets share laughter with them
there is more to lives together like ours
that could bring utter happiness within
here is to the romance and day dreams
here is to the kisses you give me that make me shiver warm
here is to the hugs when you hold me that make it all vanish
you i adore
i walk to the river and sit there alone
the sights are so beautiful when i imagine you there
roads of fire balls of colors so bright
flying throughout the sky
for your heartfull sight
sparkling in beauty for smiles to appear
celebrate a victory
now we know love is near
shadows from the colorful trails so bright vanish through the starry night
what an end to a fantastic day and night

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