Saturday, August 25, 2007

cupcake battles

i have a recipe for cupcakes... of my own.
meryl bought the supplies for me to bake them.
usually when i bake cupcakes i give most of them out. and share the rest with me and whoever i was with when i made them.
last night we all had 1 cupcake. i took 5 to give out because they wanted to eat them all...
they ate more when they got home last night without me, today, elise and meryl and tim all had another one. so they each had two and i've only had just that one from last night.
so i said, can i have the last two since i had one.
and they said uhh no you've had 7. the 5 you gave out the one last night and the one you are about to eat.
so i called them selfish... am i wrong?

1 comment:

merylisk said...

(it's meryl)

i never said you couldn't eat the last 2 cupcakes! when i said i wanted them to be for us, i meant for US, including you, obviously. i just didn't realize you wanted to bring them all to ruff club and give them away to random drunk people. that's all. raspberries are kind of expensive.