This is a blog posting on Elise Coker's myspace page:
She is like this...adorabley sexy 5'3" genuis of life.

HOW could you NOT love her?
shes so fun! so you'll surely enjoy reading this!!!
The Secret annoys the shit out of me. I know a lot of people love it. That's because it tells them what they want to hear, that they can do/be/get anything they want. Just by thinking about it. Who wouldn't want to believe that?
Here's what I hate about it:
I hate that it claims to be science. It's not fucking science. Science tells us that thoughts are neurons firing and they stay put inside our little heads. None of that "projecting them into the universe" bullshit. Ugh. (The visuals in the movie are so fucking corny.)
I hate that it plays to everyone's greed. The way the world works, no one can get everything they want. People want different shit. It conflicts; if you got everything you wanted, you'd have to be fucking someone else over. Bad shit happens to everyone. THAT'S LIFE. ACCEPT IT, YOU BABIES.
Last I checked, expecting to get every single thing you want is known as being a spoiled brat. We have to be able to come to terms with not getting what we want. That's maturity. We have to accept it and get on with shit. That's optimism.
And optimism is great! I think having a positive attitude about your life and believing in yourself and believing that you deserve most of what you want will legitimately lead to being happier, AND probably getting more of what you want. Confidence goes a long way. I don't doubt that. If you believe you're going to get ahead, it'll affect other people's attitudes towards you, which in turn will affect you, and make whatever you think should happen more likely to actually happen. But it's not some "law of attraction" crap. It's just how people work.
The Secret, like any religion, is something for people to cling to because they need to believe that they have some sort of control over things totally beyond their control.
Yeah, it's good to realize that we have a good deal control over what direction our own (little) lives go in. It's more up to you than anyone else what becomes of your life. Duh. A lot of people have a tendency to blame/credit things that happen in their lives on the external world, on "chance," rather than on themselves. But The Secret just perpetrates this idea by suggesting that we're sending out "orders" to the universe and the universe is filling them. No. It's not .We fill our own "orders." Or we get other people to, through our own attitudes (that they pick up on.) There's no magic involved. It's not like it's a big "secret" either. We should be able to differentiate between what's up to us and what is truly beyond our control.
The Secret just reflects that we do live in an age of entitlement. This is an era where everyone considers themselves to be "special," to be an exception, to be a superstar. We can't all be superstars. No one's life will ever be perfect. Life is full of crap, and that's what makes it interesting.
So let's just all get over ourselves. We're dumb bugs in a huge universe trying really REALLY hard to pretend that we're in control. We kinda aren't. Oh fucking well. Life still rules. Enjoy it. Be optimistic, even when shit does go wrong. We shouldn't need to gobble up self-indulgent cheesy bullshit like The Secret to understand how to be happy.
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