So i'm sitting ehre writtign my book that i have been workign on FOR A WHILE now, and i'm so distracted that i cant think abotu what to write. ughh. i;v ebeen like this for a few days now.
my distractions need to vanish but i REALLY DONT WANT THEM TO! at all...
i love my distractions.
Not gonna say what they are jsutto keep you guessing but anyway, they're good...
one of the best bands ever is OUR LADY PEACE. Sooooo go listen to them. especailly their older stuff. omg its so good.
school starts november 5th and i gradute september 27th..unless i take so many extra hours that i graduate sooner :-D after i graduate the cosmetology institute i plan on working in a salon obviously but also working with elephants. see, the plan is to volunteer as much as possible so that then i can finally move on and work as a keeper for the elephants.....
Provides daily care to the institution's animals, including diet preparation, cleaning, general exhibit maintenance, and recordkeeping.
OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING! no no, it WILL be amazing and i can't wait!
Later on i plan on going to AVEDA Acadamey. ... maybe i won't but maybe i will. we'l see. blaahh hmm what else...
i always said i wanted to be a kindergarten school teacher from the time i was in kindergarten myself until i was just 16. i realized i'd rather be a cosmetologist while i have my own children, so that expression i can have my cake and eat it to, really works out in this situation.
Not only do i plan on doing all of this but of courseee i plan on singing as mucha s i can as well.
those that kow me, know that my number 1 passion in life is singing. I've always wanted to be a traveling musician, though i've travelled my entire life...literally my entire life... i just moved into pompano beach florida just what? 5 days ago i think.. before that i was on the road with my father for a month and a week. i've moved so many times in my life i cant remember... i lost count a few years back. agh. too many times if you ask me...or anyone else that knows me, ha. yea, it affects everyone around me. i've been around the whole, touring musician thing since i was really young and well, i love it and all but...i duunnnooo. i guess i'd rather just be steady and stable for once in my life! if i have gigs for my singing that are away from my home then yes, i will go to them. of course!
hmmm what else....
i want a place where i can be inspired to write my books and create music and study poetry and music and i can paint even though i'm not the bes tof a painter i still feel the desire.
i plan on adopting children from others countries and having children of my own.
i plan on growing my own fruits and veggies and have a beautiful garden of flowers. i plan on living right near a meadow of wildflowers and a lake to canoe on with nice big tree to picnic under.
can i have eveything i've always wanted?
aghhh okay i'm done....................
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