Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
whoever reads this is really about to get to know me realllyyy well!!!
i just wrote this to someone who asked me to tell them everything there is to knwo about me...
so, i thought i'd share it!
here is what i wrote:
haha! :-D
well, if i were to tell you all about me it would take an entire lifetime.
i have lived a life that to most people...seems, unrealistic and too OUT THERE.. i guess...so to speak.
my mom is from NY my dad is from Brazil.
I've been there done that had the ups the downs the in betweens and have gained the knowledge and the wisdom that great books so speak of...on my very own.
some call me a gypsy, some call me a nomad, most call me cupcakes, I've been a radio dj, a show booker, promoter, merch-girl, photographer, singer, model, actress, DJ...traveler...I've had my heartbroken one too many times and have broken a few hearts that i never knew i touched.
I've been to every single state besides Alaska and hawaii over 5 times each.
...........I've the great I've seen the bad..and the "in betweens"
I've done bad things I've done great things....
like a lot of people...
i have filled so many journals in my life that i just couldn't keep count.
I'm working on a book. nothing personal. but very epic and dramatic in every aspect possible that will be done in a series, that would be perfect to be done on film.
i enjoy anything of the arts....
i love SINGNG, children animals, nature, music,....arts... passion...being oneself,video games, movies, zombies, romanticism art, elephants,cupcakes,natalie portman kirsten dunst,Keira Knightley....
i love old stamps,
i love love, passion, desire, romance,
quotes by:
jane austen, Hueng O,Mary Caolyn Davies,C.P Cavafy,Samuel Johnson,Mahabaratta,Mary wortley Montagu, Ralph Waldo Emerson,Dorothy Parker,maria broks,william shakespeare,walter bagehot,me west,james joyce, ulysses,marcel proust,h.l mencken, gaspara stampa, baudelaire,ella wheeler wilcox,colette,aloysia sigea, casanova,henry james, d. h. lawrence, hesiod, mary wollstonecraft,sappho,satyra sotadica, w.c fields, george sand, sigmund freud, therese albertine louis robinson, anatole france, charlotte bronte, Kshetrayya, dorothy parker, george bernard shaw,voltaire, tzu yeh, leonardo da vinci, pernette du guillet, thomas fuller, saint augustine, ernest hemingway,denis diderot,michael nolan, william danforth, mark douglas, fredrick buechner, ralph w sockman, chalres kingsley, linda blayne,mahatma ghandi, james allen, adelia prado, benjamin franklin, igor stravinky, emily dickinson, john lennon
and many more.......
i have 2 brothers and a sister. i am the youngest.
my parents have been apart since i was 2.
when i was 10 i had a pet chicken named dog that i raised from an egg.
when i was four my mom caught me playing with a black widow...
animals tend to want to be near me as much as i want to be near them.
i love caterpillars,butterflies, birds, anything that can grow wings and feel free up in the skies.
i have always been attracted to the number 3
and the colors
teal and pink.
i love records and mix tapes and wildflowers and lakes and mountains and magnolia trees.
i love weed.
but i barely ever get smoke anymore
i only smoke weed that makes me even more adventurous than i already am.
i love the feeling of sunshine on my face
and snow flakes on my eyelashes....
............i have a bad back and neck and shoulder and a problem called endometreosis....though i know i will be okay and smile for the better of things.
live life love laugh free
passion worth living
...i'm saving this cuz i just wrote a lot haha
victoria elizabeth cabral
Sunday, October 28, 2007
funny old videos...@ TROUBLE & BASS
A well-known speaker
started off his seminar by:
holding up a $20.00
bill. In the room of 200, he asked,
"Who would like this
$20 bill?"
Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this
$20 to one of you
but first, let me
do this.
proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill.
He then asked, "Who
still wants it?"
Still the hands
were up in the air.
Well, he
replied, "What if I do this?"
And he
dropped it on the ground
and started
to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty.
"Now, who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.
My friends, we have all learned a
very valuable lesson.
No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did
not decrease in value.
It was still worth $20.
Many times in our lives,
we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt
by the decisions we make and
the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or
what will happen, you will never lose your value..
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased,
you are still
priceless to those who DO LOVE you.
The worth of our
lives comes not in what we do or who we know,
but by WHO WE ARE and
You are
Don't EVER forget it."
Count your blessings,
not your problems.
"And remember:
amateurs built the ark ..
built the Titanic.
If the Gods brings you to
it - He will bring you through it.
~live laugh love free
victoria cupcakes
Thursday, October 25, 2007
zombie nation
this is the other one:
Big Sister

I have just signed up to be a big sister!
It is something that i have wanted to for for years now, and well now, i have my chance!
Being a big brother or a big sister is something that everyone should at least think about taking part in.
Not only will it help the children of tomorrow, though really, if you think about it...it could really help you. Possibly with things that you didn't even know you needed help with.
Children work wonders just as much as adults and teens.
So, do YOURSELF and a child out there a favor...SIGN UP!
Set target="_blank"
Sign Up Here
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Good Luck Chuck

i know that this is a bit behind but not too much! It's still in theaters!
This movie is without a doubt a movie that i would recommend to anyone over the age of 16.
16 because that is the legal age to ..well, have sex.
I saw this movie in California with my dad and sister.
none of us have the same taste in movies though, we all seemed to enjoy the movie VERY MUCH!
my dad and i were laughing so much and so hard that everyone around us in the theater kept giving us the evil eye!
This movie WAS one of those movies that you come out of the theater laughing, smiling, joking around and talking to whoever you're with about different things about the movie you liked... I'm sure a lot of people even call others right away just to tell them about how good it REALLY was.
If you are a supporter of going to a movie to watch it on the big screen so the makers of the film could cash in on their BIG BIG bucks and their rankings.. then i DO say go see it in theaters.
Now, when i say you don't really need to go see it in theaters to get the full affect, i am not putting it down.
i am only stating that the movie will be just as good at home on dvd. If you had to choose between a scary movie or something really epic and dramatic...and good luck chuck. then i'd say go for the other one. BUT deffinently, FOR SURE! no matter who you are, GET THIS MOVIE when it comes out on dvd. it great for all different occasions of movie watching.
ALTHOUGH, if you are a guy or a gay gal that would just LOOVEEEE to see some UP-CLOSE , IN YOUR FACE, sex in TONS of different positions ...and boobies. bunches of boobies... then see it in theaters hahaha
The Hippy Movement Fail? or Triumph?
Well, Let's see.
starting with the definition of a hippy:
here are the dictionary definitions:
hip•pie also hip•py (hĭp'ē) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. hip•pies
A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.
hip•pie /ˈhɪpi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hip-ee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
a person, esp. of the late 1960s, who rejected established institutions and values and sought spontaneity, direct personal relations expressing love, and expanded consciousness, often expressed externally in the wearing of casual, folksy clothing and of beads, headbands, used garments, etc.
Now that we have the basic understanding, i think I'll run a deep further into these fields of flowers for a closer understanding.
So, there were the "Hardcore Hippies" and the "Plastic Hippies"
The plastic hippies were people like me, that agreed to and loved everything about this 1960's youth movement. who would have their lives that lived their days separate from protests and such, they would go to some on occasion and attend as many festivals and concerts that they could outside of their working lives outside of the movement. Though deep down they truly cared, cared about anti war, peace ,love harmony
The Youth International Party known as the "Yippies" was formed in 1966 by Abbie Hoffman, Anita Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Nancy Kurshan, and Paul Krassner.
they were a part of the American Civil Rights Movement and decided they should join them and the hippies together and see what they could do.
They decided to create a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. They thought they if they had caused the uproar and people all around the world would see on the news how they were all being beaten that they would feel sorrow for them and would join in to stand against the government with them. Although it turned around ON THEM. The people that saw the way the Yippies were creating such a riot running around allowing themselves to get beaten with their dirty clothes and long unclean hair, that all they wanted was a stable life style with order from the government.
Now before all that happened,
There was the movie "The trip" created by Roger Corman inspired by LCD.
Then there was "HAIR" The Broadway musical by James Rado and Gerome Ragni, and music by Galt MacDermot.
then "Easy Rider' a film by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Terry Southern.
All these were created to show the youth movement to everyone else to gather other people who became inspired. To reveal what and who hippies really were, and what they were about.
Hippies and the music they created and listened to was all the rage. It was more than just music.. it was MUUUUuuUSSSsSsSiIIiiiiIiccCcCcCcCCcc.. it was amazing and full of expression. it revealed the power of expressions that they all desired and felt. The hippie music sold more than any music ever sold to date! and i believe along with many others... EVER will! It was and still is just THAT powerful.
Then came "WOODSTOCK"! Where over 500,000 people stayed a weekend August 15 to August 18, 1969, on 600 acres of land in Bethel, New York.
32 of THE BEST known musicians of that time period played. Even while it was raining and pouring. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest concerts in music history and was listed on Rolling Stone's 50 Moments That Changed the History of Rock and Roll.
There were 3 deaths at this festival. One from a drug overdose; another caused by an occupied sleeping bag accidentally being run over by a tractor in a nearby hayfield; and a third when a festival participant fell off a scaffold. There were also three miscarriages and two births recorded at the event. Wow.
Everyone says that Woodstock was a free concert.
Well, yes it was free, but it did not start off free.
Here it was Wikipedia says about that:
It became obvious that the concert was drawing hundreds of thousands more people than the organizers had prepared for, and that the fence had been torn down by eager, un-ticketed arrivals. Tickets for the event cost US$18 in advance (approximately US$100 today adjusted for inflation) and $24 at the gate for all three days. Ticket sales were limited to record stores in the greater New York City area, or by mail via a Post Office Box at the Radio City Station Post Office located in Midtown Manhattan.
There was one incident that i must mention that i tend to hear a lot about,
Someone got up on the stage and said that if you received blue acid- it was bad acid.
Practically everyone was taking acid so no one was really paying that much attention to what color it was, so a lot people began freaking out thinking that they were getting or were going to get sick from having the bad acid.
Woodstock Festival was so full of fun and love with peace and harmony that even the state troopers were in there hanging out having fun with them!
on the first day of Woodstock it was noted that over 500,000 hot dogs were sold and every store around was saying that they had sold out of EVERYTHING!
Many people said that they had to wait in a 12 hour line just to get close to the festival.
Some and most were saying that it was showing what the world COULD be without government.
"peace and harmony".
Many others say this was the beginning of the end of the Flower Child Movement.
Especially since, this was around the time when Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Brian Jones all died. They were all very large influences in youth hippie movement.
Brian Jones died on July 3, 1969. Jones was discovered motionless at the bottom of his swimming pool at his home in Hartfield, Sussex, England. His girlfriend, Anna Wohlin, is convinced he was alive when they took him out; insisting he still had a pulse. However, when the doctors arrived, it was too late and he was pronounced dead. The coroner's report stated "Death by misadventure", and noted his liver and heart were heavily enlarged by drug and alcohol abuse.[1]Some felt it was suicide, however, blaming Jagger and Richards for his state of mental depression.
Jimi Hendrix died on September 18, 1970 at his girlfriends place. No one really knows why but thy say it is likely he died in bed after drinking wine and taking nine Vesperax sleeping pills, then suffocated on his own vomit.
Janis Joplin died on October 4, 1970.
She overdosed on heroin at the age of 27 while drunk on cocktails she had finished approximately an hour earlier at Barney's Beanery in West Hollywood.
Jim Morrison died July 3, 1971 at age 27, and, in one account of his death, was found in the rue Beautreillis apartment bathtub by Courson. Pursuant to French law, no autopsy was performed because the medical examiner claimed to have found no evidence of foul play. The absence of an official autopsy has left many questions regarding Morrison's cause of death.
In Wonderland Avenue, Danny Sugerman discussed his encounter with Courson after she returned to the United States. According to his account, Courson stated that Morrison had died of a heroin overdose. Courson said that Morrison inhaled the substance because he thought it was cocaine. Sugerman added that Courson had given numerous contradictory versions of Morrison's death, at times saying that she had killed Jim, or that his death was her fault. The majority of fans seem to have accepted the mistaken heroin overdose account. Courson herself died of a heroin overdose three years later. Like Morrison, she was 27 years old at the time of her death.
so back to the hippie world!
President Gerald Ford gave a televised speech on April 23, declaring an end to the Vietnam War and all U.S. aid, On April 30, 1975, the capital of South Vietnam, Saigon fell to the communist forces of North Vietnam, effectively ending the Vietnam War.
Troops went home and others decided they should start going home too....
McCartney publicly announced the break-up of The Beatles on 10 April 1970.
While standing on the motel's 2nd floor balcony, King was shot at 6:01 p.m. April 4, 1968.
That was when people began believing the flower children generation was over.
BUT THEN on April 22nd 1970, over 20 million people participated and Earth Day is now observed each year on April 22 by more than 500 million people and national governments in 175 countries...
Good going flower children of the hippie era!
If you think about it, most of what we all use today is inspired and created by hippies.
For example:
Steve Jobs, he is the co-founder and CEO of Apple and was the CEO of Pixar until its acquisition by Disney. He is currently the largest Disney shareholder and a member of Disney's Board of Directors. He is considered a leading figure in both the computer and entertainment industries. now, Steve Jobs was a huge hippie! As in he was reeaaalllyy involved with the flower power youth movement.
Stuart Brand, is an author, editor, and creator of The Whole Earth Catalog and CoEvolution Quarterly. His intent with the Whole Earth Catalog was to enable people to find virtually any sort of information useful to themselves, in the belief that humans would then develop a new, positive and sustainable culture and technology for themselves. Hence, Brand later co-founded the online community The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (The WELL) with Larry Brilliant. Brand is noted as an editor who published writings by many of the now-acknowledged innovative thinkers of today, early in their careers. He is one of the co-founders of the Global Business Network. Brand was also one of a group of "futurists" consulted in the planning stage of the feature film Minority Report.
Now if you don't know what the global business network is, YOU'RE ON IT! think about the internet.. yepp he helped create a lot of the things that we do on the internet today.
So really, hippies were all about music,drugs,communion of nature, love, peace...and...giving our world something greater and more harmonious to live with!
Hippies opened the door to what we have today for the pursuit of happiness!
We need to accept we all have a little bit oh hippy in us, therefore the hippies DID triumph!
Glenn Branca 'Hallucination city symphony for 100 guitars'
must have been so cool!

TAZO tea is amazing.
it's based out of Portland, Oregon but you'd think it was from some other obscure country because all of its tea's are all so... not American!
every box of tea they make is labeled "blessed by a certified tea shaman".
Tazo tea is no longer ran by the man who founded it n 1994. he retired last year (2006)so did his business partners that helped him create it. i wonder what he's doing now....
here is a crazy TAZO TEA fact;
The company was purchased by Starbucks in 1999 for $8.10 Million USD.
basically TAZO tea has a full list of teas that they have created throughout the years. Really, any tea you can think of they most likely have, though with a bit of a BETTE quality of something extraordinary in it.
right now i am drinking at this very moment a cup of Spiced Black Tea
:a rich blend of full-flavored naturally decaffinated eas and exotic, aromatic spices"
i needed to something to wind me dow na little.. well, its working.
i love how on the backs of their tea bags it says things like this:Throughout India, chai wallahs can be found serving cups of decaffeinated chai to souls who naturally seek inner beauty at a slightly gentler pace.
Monday, October 22, 2007

Have you ever wondered why girls seem to get their period at the same time when they live in the same home?
geez, i know i have always wondered that!
well, here is, part of the answer....
Synchronized menstruation is not understood completely. Many researchers think it has to do with substances called pheromones. Pheromones are natural chemicals that are emitted as odors from the body, although we are usually unaware of actually smelling them. Pheromones affect many different aspects of our sexuality, including menstrual cycles and sexual attraction. It is believed that women living very closely with one another are affected unconsciously by the various pheromones they release during different phases of their menstrual cycles. Their cycles may become more and more similar over time. There are also other theories for why this happens.
laughter and jokes?

I went to go see this movie with 5 guys...
1 guy which doesn't watch horror movies because well, like a lot of others out there he cant deal with it.
so you would think that this movie that got soo much hype about being scary and is number 1 right now selling so far at $16 million would actually be SCARY...
this movie was everything but scary.
i mean, ALL of us, were actually laughing when the so called vampires came out to scare us.
most of the movie, they were all making jokes.
1 thing that i couldn't stand! was how...they would be in one scene of the movie.. then the screen would go dark to show that it was going into the next scene and it would show at the bottom what day it was in the month like day 30. .... the part i couldn't stand was how, when they did that, they didn't make it look like time had past. it looked like maybe a couple seconds or a few minutes even had passed. not sooo mmaannyyyyy dayssss. ugh it was so annoying!
ijhgtfdvbhjn blaah blaahh blaahhh...
this IS a good movie to have on dvd, for when you have hmm a date over and all thats really gonna happen is you're both gonna be making out or something and basically miss the entire movie.. other than that... don't go see it in theaters....
all i want for xmas is ....

i want an nyc snow globe so bad.
it would make me so happy
god i wish it were my birthday soon.
whatever not that big of a deal.
but yea,
xmas time...
think video games..dvds...cupcake batter and decor supplies...and nyc snow globes!..and ice skating!!!! jgtgbjkgbjgbw
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Must See Film

I own the movie Pride & Prejudice.
To those that have not seen it, you need to.
ESPECIALLY if you are: a guy that holds back his passion with love
to those that enjoy passion of love & romance.
i have watched this movie too many times to remember and ever time i watch it i can't help but cry every time!
i just watched it again tonight and i cried 8 times,
no sad tears, all good tears...
i plan on watching it again very soon just so i can cry all over again.
the tears i shed during this film are tears that make me feel hope. tears of joy.
please see this film.
:-( my hair ......
see, i went to the salon
i told them to fix my sides and my bangs because they were too poofy..
so, they said they were going to layer the back which is fine.. okay cool..
but they allllssooo cut from off the top of my head made it short as hell. then they cut my bangs shorter then they were. and they cut my sides so unevenly that they just kept cutting them until they were even... so now its like.. a big time mullet... and the back of my hair is so thin that if i wear it down i have to pull it up.. well, basically.. i cant wear it down because its the worlds most insane mullet evverrrr!!!
chris and garth say its fine, but i'm sure they want to puke when they see it!
i can not wear it curly at all. it just makes me look like an insane person, i mean, it already does make me look like one but UGH!
so when i shower i have to straighten it right away and then pull it back basically, i will NOT be seen at the beach or in a swimming pool!! :-(
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Victoria's TV World.
can we judge who i am by what i choose to watch on tv?
Sure can,
This morning i woke up at 9am and have been watching the following channels (funny, i used to not watch tv really, just movies)
29 (CNNH) (cnnheadline news)
44 (FX) Embrace Of The Vampire
47 (AMC) waterworld is on
54 (Animal Planet)
55 (discovery)
56 (TLC) bringing home babies
58 (E) E True Hollywood Story (america's next top model look back)
59 (STYLE) Glamour's 20 top wedding do's & dont's
69 (FOOD)
62 (LIFE) Will & Grace
63 (SPIKE TV) Disorderly Conduct
66 (BRAVO) Project Runway
67 (COMDEY) Scrubs
so yea, GEEZ... if i had more then just regular cable, lord knows what else i'd be trying to watch! haha...
will & grace & scrubs...yea, they are my fav tv shows.
i really dunno to much about what actually is on tv, but i'm pretty sure that even if i did know, i'd still choose those two shows to watch. just sux they are on at the same time
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Exotic creatures found in ‘coral triangle’
To view the photos of these discovered fish, go to http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21322859/?GT1=10450
then click where it says: Celebrities of the Celebes Sea
MANILA, Philippines - U.S. and Philippine scientists may have discovered new marine species in the world's most biologically diverse region, their expedition leader said Tuesday.
Larry Madin, who led the Inner Space Speciation Project in the Celebes Sea south of the Philippines, said scientists had been to one of the world's deep-ocean basins in search of organisms that may have been isolated there for millions of years.
Madin, of the Massachusetts-based Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, or WHOI, said the Celebes Sea is at the heart of the "coral triangle" bordered by the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia — a region recognized by scientists as having the greatest degree of biological diversity of the coral reef community of fish and other marine life.
The deepest part of the Celebes Sea is 16,500 feet (5,000 meters). The team was able to explore to a depth of 9,186 feet (2,800 meters) using a remotely operated camera.
"This is probably the center where many of the species evolved and spread to other parts of the ocean, so it's going back to the source in many ways," he told a group of journalists, government officials, students and U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney and her staff.
Madin led the project that involved WHOI and National Geographic Magazine in cooperation with the Philippine government, which also provided the exploration ship.
The expedition included over two dozen U.S. and Philippine scientists and a group from National Geographic — including underwater photographer Emory Kristof, who teamed with noted underwater explorer Robert Ballard of WHOI in 1985 to find the wreckage of the Titanic.
The team returned to Manila on Tuesday after spending about two weeks in the Celebes Sea off Tawi-Tawi, the Philippines’ southernmost provincial archipelago, about 687 miles (1,100 kilometers) south of Manila.
Madin said they had collected about 100 different specimens, including several possibly newly discovered species. One was a sea cucumber that is nearly transparent which could swim by bending its elongated body. Another was an unusually black jellyfish that was found near the bottom of the sea. But the most striking creature they found was a spiny orange-colored worm that had 10 tentacles like a squid, he said.
"We don't know what it is ... it might be something new," he said.
He said it would take "a few more weeks" of research in the United States to determine whether the species they have brought back are newly discovered. He expects to release a report by early next month.Madin said the Celebes Sea, being surrounded by islands and shallow reefs, is partially isolated from the rest of the world's oceans and may have been more isolated millions of years ago, leading scientists to believe that "there may be groups of organisms that have been contained and kept within" the basin since then.
"That makes it an interesting place to go and look to see what we might find," he said.
Hair...yes, FACE??!!? NOOOO!!
People continue to "worship" these types of people because this MAKE-UP makes them seem so beautiful.
is it really that beautiful, or is it more... clown like and disturbing and sad as hell that they really feel like their OWN face isn't that good enough?
I hate the way children today have their views on life because of the shows they see on tv or the ads they see in magazines or the nonsense they read happening in the newspapers.
even the cartoons have turned into some place creating some whole other reality outside of what REALLY is real.
These people seem like they just wish to be cartoons characters.
it is disgusting.
I love children so much.
those that know me, know how much i love children.
Children come first. they ARE our future...
that, showing as much skin as possible is gonna get you somewhere in life.
that caking on pounds of make-up covering the actual natural beauty of a person whether they be fare skin,dark,tan olive.. purple green..WHO GIVES A SHIT.
the face that you are born with is the ONLY face that will win over the love of the ONLY true people that will EVER REALLY care about you.
once that make-up is off, then you will know who truly cares.
don't hide to make people like you.
because the only people that ARE going to really like you are the ones that accept you for you and not the clown side of you that makes you look like a total fucking whore.
....maybe an "artistic whore with good talents of color creations" but NOT ON YOUR DAMN FACE!
what the hell is the point?
Here are a couple examples of BEAUTIFUL girls that make themselves look like.... clowns and whores one of which is actually black and the other whom is really latin, though in thee photos... you CAN NOT tell...
christine dolce aka forbidden and raquel reed clean and not clean:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
aaa loonnggg ttimmee agooooo......
Thursday, October 11, 2007
This is why i love Elise Coker!

This is a blog posting on Elise Coker's myspace page:
She is like this...adorabley sexy 5'3" genuis of life.

HOW could you NOT love her?
shes so fun! so you'll surely enjoy reading this!!!
The Secret annoys the shit out of me. I know a lot of people love it. That's because it tells them what they want to hear, that they can do/be/get anything they want. Just by thinking about it. Who wouldn't want to believe that?
Here's what I hate about it:
I hate that it claims to be science. It's not fucking science. Science tells us that thoughts are neurons firing and they stay put inside our little heads. None of that "projecting them into the universe" bullshit. Ugh. (The visuals in the movie are so fucking corny.)
I hate that it plays to everyone's greed. The way the world works, no one can get everything they want. People want different shit. It conflicts; if you got everything you wanted, you'd have to be fucking someone else over. Bad shit happens to everyone. THAT'S LIFE. ACCEPT IT, YOU BABIES.
Last I checked, expecting to get every single thing you want is known as being a spoiled brat. We have to be able to come to terms with not getting what we want. That's maturity. We have to accept it and get on with shit. That's optimism.
And optimism is great! I think having a positive attitude about your life and believing in yourself and believing that you deserve most of what you want will legitimately lead to being happier, AND probably getting more of what you want. Confidence goes a long way. I don't doubt that. If you believe you're going to get ahead, it'll affect other people's attitudes towards you, which in turn will affect you, and make whatever you think should happen more likely to actually happen. But it's not some "law of attraction" crap. It's just how people work.
The Secret, like any religion, is something for people to cling to because they need to believe that they have some sort of control over things totally beyond their control.
Yeah, it's good to realize that we have a good deal control over what direction our own (little) lives go in. It's more up to you than anyone else what becomes of your life. Duh. A lot of people have a tendency to blame/credit things that happen in their lives on the external world, on "chance," rather than on themselves. But The Secret just perpetrates this idea by suggesting that we're sending out "orders" to the universe and the universe is filling them. No. It's not .We fill our own "orders." Or we get other people to, through our own attitudes (that they pick up on.) There's no magic involved. It's not like it's a big "secret" either. We should be able to differentiate between what's up to us and what is truly beyond our control.
The Secret just reflects that we do live in an age of entitlement. This is an era where everyone considers themselves to be "special," to be an exception, to be a superstar. We can't all be superstars. No one's life will ever be perfect. Life is full of crap, and that's what makes it interesting.
So let's just all get over ourselves. We're dumb bugs in a huge universe trying really REALLY hard to pretend that we're in control. We kinda aren't. Oh fucking well. Life still rules. Enjoy it. Be optimistic, even when shit does go wrong. We shouldn't need to gobble up self-indulgent cheesy bullshit like The Secret to understand how to be happy.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
ME.....thats me in the yellow

So i'm sitting ehre writtign my book that i have been workign on FOR A WHILE now, and i'm so distracted that i cant think abotu what to write. ughh. i;v ebeen like this for a few days now.
my distractions need to vanish but i REALLY DONT WANT THEM TO! at all...
i love my distractions.
Not gonna say what they are jsutto keep you guessing but anyway, they're good...
one of the best bands ever is OUR LADY PEACE. Sooooo go listen to them. especailly their older stuff. omg its so good.
school starts november 5th and i gradute september 27th..unless i take so many extra hours that i graduate sooner :-D after i graduate the cosmetology institute i plan on working in a salon obviously but also working with elephants. see, the plan is to volunteer as much as possible so that then i can finally move on and work as a keeper for the elephants.....
Provides daily care to the institution's animals, including diet preparation, cleaning, general exhibit maintenance, and recordkeeping.
OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING! no no, it WILL be amazing and i can't wait!
Later on i plan on going to AVEDA Acadamey. ... maybe i won't but maybe i will. we'l see. blaahh hmm what else...
i always said i wanted to be a kindergarten school teacher from the time i was in kindergarten myself until i was just 16. i realized i'd rather be a cosmetologist while i have my own children, so that expression i can have my cake and eat it to, really works out in this situation.
Not only do i plan on doing all of this but of courseee i plan on singing as mucha s i can as well.
those that kow me, know that my number 1 passion in life is singing. I've always wanted to be a traveling musician, though i've travelled my entire life...literally my entire life... i just moved into pompano beach florida just what? 5 days ago i think.. before that i was on the road with my father for a month and a week. i've moved so many times in my life i cant remember... i lost count a few years back. agh. too many times if you ask me...or anyone else that knows me, ha. yea, it affects everyone around me. i've been around the whole, touring musician thing since i was really young and well, i love it and all but...i duunnnooo. i guess i'd rather just be steady and stable for once in my life! if i have gigs for my singing that are away from my home then yes, i will go to them. of course!
hmmm what else....
i want a place where i can be inspired to write my books and create music and study poetry and music and i can paint even though i'm not the bes tof a painter i still feel the desire.
i plan on adopting children from others countries and having children of my own.
i plan on growing my own fruits and veggies and have a beautiful garden of flowers. i plan on living right near a meadow of wildflowers and a lake to canoe on with nice big tree to picnic under.
can i have eveything i've always wanted?
aghhh okay i'm done....................
hahaa awww chris, crazy nut ;-p
victoriacupcakes (3:57:52 PM): what should i write in it?
HIM (3:58:17 PM): loll
HIM (3:58:20 PM): your gonna take care of elephants
HIM (3:58:28 PM): my friends dad
HIM (3:58:34 PM): has worked at lion country safari for like 25 yrs
HIM (3:58:38 PM): he jacks off the elephants ;[
victoriacupcakes (3:58:59 PM): omg!!!
HIM (3:58:48 PM): yeah, weird.
HIM (3:58:51 PM): i mean its not like...
HIM (3:58:54 PM): the ONLY thing he does...
HIM (3:58:58 PM): hes not like..
HIM (3:59:03 PM): a professional elephant jacker offer...
victoriacupcakes (3:59:23 PM): hahahahahaa
HIM (3:59:08 PM): but it's one of the things he has to do
HIM (3:59:10 PM): haha
victoriacupcakes (3:59:32 PM): what is his job?
HIM (3:59:22 PM): iono rly.
victoriacupcakes (4:00:07 PM): haha oh ok. well yea i cant wait to work with them. i love them so much.
HIM (3:59:52 PM): he used to coach me in basketball
HIM (3:59:57 PM): and every year, he would give me a lion's claw
victoriacupcakes (4:00:32 PM): its gonna be a while. 2 years is a long time but not. it feels like forever away but its only 2 years btrrrbgtrkgb
victoriacupcakes (4:00:41 PM): wow
victoriacupcakes (4:00:44 PM): thats so cute
victoriacupcakes (4:01:08 PM): tell your dad to introduce me to people! give me a step in the door
victoriacupcakes (4:01:16 PM): or ask im rather hah
HIM (4:01:36 PM): not MY dad
HIM (4:01:39 PM): my FRIENDS dad
HIM (4:01:41 PM): omg lol
victoriacupcakes (4:02:00 PM): oh yea my baddd
HIM (4:01:51 PM): you think my dad jacks off elephants
HIM (4:01:52 PM): good bye
HIM (4:01:56 PM): < / 3
HIM signed off at 4:02:17 PM.
HIM is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
victoriacupcakes (4:05:02 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACCCKKKK
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
crazyness in McCarren park
Monday, October 8, 2007
Now here is an interesting news article

Enlarge 1997 photo by Peter Dejong, AP
Amsterdam's buyout offer bothers brothels
Prostitutes wait for customers behind brothel windows in Amsterdam's central redlight district, known as the Wallen. The city plans to buy out about a third of the brothels in the district.
By Jeffrey Stinson, USA TODAY
AMSTERDAM — City officials are clamping down on one of Amsterdam's most famous attractions: the central red-light district, where prostitution has thrived for a century and was legalized in 2000.
The city plans to buy out 18 brothels that feature 51 streetside windows where prostitutes sit on display and wait for customers.
"We're tightening policies in the red-light district to reduce crime and reduce the excessive number of brothels," Mayor Job Cohen says. "It's not our intention to eliminate prostitution."
The move has caused an uproar in the Wallen, the canal-laced area where tourists gawk, take guided tours or pay for sex. One of a dozen areas in Amsterdam with licensed prostitution, the Wallen is the biggest and most famous.
The city's move would sweep out about a third of the district's brothels to make room for housing or businesses.
Prostitutes and brothel owners accuse the city of trying to eliminate prostitution in the Wallen.
"They want to close us," says Jan Broers, owner of three Wallen brothels. The district "has been here 100 years. It's legal. It's licensed. We pay taxes. But they really want to get rid of us because they don't like it."
The Dutch tradition of tolerance — or gedoogbeleid — allowed prostitution to flourish long before it was legalized. Same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia and use of marijuana also are legal here.
Brothel closures run counter to that tradition, those in the district say. "It will never work," says Ton Van den Brink, 53, who owns a lunch counter near brothels, sex shops and "coffee shops" where marijuana is sold and smoked. The Wallen "is like a supermarket. Everybody needs to go there for things they need."
Prostitution has been legal in the Netherlands since October 2000, when the government sought to control it through regulation. The aim was to better protect women, drive out pimps and raise taxes.
There is no estimate of how much revenue is brought in by the sex trade, the Amsterdam Tourism and Convention Board says.
Brothels are licensed and inspected by the city. Prostitutes rent windows and rooms from owners by the day. Broers, secretary of an association of 65 brothel owners, charges $85-$155 for one of his windows for an eight-hour shift.
Prostitutes are liable for 19% sales tax on fees for their services and 30%-35% in income taxes.
Prostitutes in the Wallen typically charge customers $50-$70 for sex, says Mariska Majoor, a former prostitute who works as an advocate at the Wallen's Prostitution Information Center.
Lucy Lee, a 25-year-old prostitute, says the closures will mean less competition and more business for her in the short run. Long-term, though, "if (word gets out) the windows are closing, nobody will come."
Sunday, October 7, 2007
happy birthday daddy-o
Today we celebrate dads birthday early.
He is here with his family (aunt tine..his sister..
he never gets to celebrate his birthday with anyone since he is a truck driver and is always on
its real sad! i hate it!
garth and chris arrived just in time for our meal! it was amazing.
the cake was nic. chocolate ice cream kind of...
somtime around 6 skyler and jason finally showed up. we went to the beach for a bit to catch a
before that garth chris and myself played tons of n64.
nice times!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
oohh yeaaa,
i'm in cypress creek florida now.
thats pompano beach.
its in the southeast.
beautiful place here.
tennis court pool
nice bed tv stereeo blahh i'll be alright here. get a lot of work done do a bit of relaxing. beach is realllyy close and so are my friends that have been in my life since i was just a kid...
i have no clue
just waiting for everything around me to become easy
though obviously only it dreams it would.
i'm alone now...
hopefully ill be carefree about it
I 've always been afraid to be alone
bbutttt now i am.. weird.
its so strange how many different personalities there are in this world
so many people struggling with their own, they call it their hearts and souls
i am sitting here now surely meant to be happy and fullfilled though i'm not.
all of this rain is making it worse.
but in th ned it will alllll worrkk outtt... agghhh blood diamond is on!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
yayay almost done
i've been on the road for a month and 2 days. haha crazzzyyy.
i'm gonna be in ny at port authority coming in from springfield Massachusetts at 3:45pm omg. i am so damn excited! i feel like i've been gone forever! i'm gonna hook my phone back up for while i'm there which is only the day. i leave tomorrow ugghh. so call me!
either tuesday or wednesday i will be back on the road heading straight down south. i'll be living in cypress creek for a while.
hmm... love to travel but not this much geeezzzz!