So i havent been updateing at all lately and i hate that i havent been able to.
i am on the road with my daddy, yep my daddy. he is a truck driver and has been for 20 years now.

My dad is not the sort of truck driver that everyone usually pictures....

not every truck driver is crazy/ or discusting in all of those typical critisizing ways.
though my dad, Lucio-Flavio Bretas Cabral does have the belly and the occassional beard!
he is clean and ...smart...eats healthy is not a pervert.
beeing on the road as a truckers daughter a lot of crazy things are seen.
lot lizards- trucker prostitues that hang around truck stops waiting to get laid in the truck for money.
bears- police officers ahead
you'll see men bending over while cleanign their trucks out with their pants falling down and their big huge hairy butt cracks hanging out.
its pretty disturbing.
discusting teeth and food in beards..
being the gal that i am, you better believe that they give me those looks while they are thinkign those filthy thoughts.
its gross for me to even think about!
my first day with dad i was wearing a nice button up long sleeve shirt not revealing anything and long nice shorts that went almost to my knees and i am tall! so those things were pretty long.
firs thign dad said was oh, victoria, do you have to be waearing that? can't you cover up?
it was so hot outside. bad enoug hi had on long sleeves! HAHA
i understnad though. he gets worried.
but thats just how gross these men out here actually DO get.
i walk past people with dad and i'm ahead of him and men will say somethign gross to me under their breathe.
but the good thigns that i DO love about being on that road as a truckers daughter,
the great food.
truck stops usually have great menus and buffets.
the showers are soo nice! and compfotable.
the mini movie theatres in the truck stops! they usually have new movies so its pretty damn cool.
arcade games and hmmm... getting to meet random touring musicians and sharing crazy travelling stories with eachother.
they are easliy spotted.
just look for the only people that actually knwo hwat style is. ahhaa.. orr.. see them with their tour van or tour bus.
i have seen some pretty damn amazing tour buses on the road with dad.
keep in mind..i've gone on the road with him many times before so this is nothing new.
two days ago i saw the most beautiful tour bus i have ever seen in my entire life.
wish i had a camera on me.
the only camera i have is my camera phone which took those photos of dad and the truck.
two times now we got to relax at the very nice pool at the hotel we stayed in.

it was so nice.
it seemed like everyone was portuguese or brazilian because of the portuguese festival that was going on over the weekend.
so you could just imagine how loud it was considering they are portuguese/brazilian haha
not everyhting is so great for me right now though.
i am sick. and i am dealing with it.
they believe that it is something called Endometriosis.
but i'm not worried. i'll be alright.
basically riding in the truck with it bouncing around everywhere sucks because i'm constantly in pain and nauseous! LAME!
how i keep myself entertained:
i brought my N64 with 6 games.
dad has tons od dvds in the truck that i watch. (yes in hte cabin in the back along with N64)
i write,
i listen to sirius radio.
i watch the road and imagine i'm somewhere else like i would do back when i was a little girl climbing trees and being adventerous.
i drink my tea and love it.
basically thats it.
i love the road......................
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2 cute!
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